Métis is the risk manager of Advice, capable of centralizing information, standardizing criteria and consolidating the RISK, allowing institutions to obtain a single score for their COUNTERPARTY. It was launched in 2020, motivated by Circular 3978 and Carta Circular 4001, both from BACEN. Currently, Métis calculates and delivers risk in a UNIFIED way, meeting the regulatory agents’ requirements.


Métis Composition

Gestão de Risco


4 related to individuals or legal entities classified according to the institution’s criteria and needs: Customers, Employees, Suppliers and Business Partners, using, for classification purposes, risk factors and questionnaires;

3 related to the transactional factor: Products, Channels and Environments, using the questionnaires for classification purposes.


Métis has 3 risk factors so that institutions can define which criteria to use in each dimension.



Know your Counterpart (KYC).
Onboarding process management for business partners and suppliers, including information registration, verification and validation.


Continuous monitoring of the financial behavior of allowing counterparties, institutions to be diligent about national and international practices of AML-FT, through pre-built alerts. Automatized screening for and Sanctions (customizable PEPs scheduler).


Services related to risk mitigation automatized engine to search lawsuits, international sanctions lists, and restrictive lists, among others. Can be used to enrich costumer information, like UBOs, administrators, common addresses & contracts, etc.